Monday 9th August 2010

I’ve made a start on the plough today. I’ve had a good look around it and I’m pretty sure I can refurbish most of it. I’ve decided to do it in 3-stages, 2nd furrow assembly, 1st furrow assembly and then the main framework, this way I can deal with sections that are easy to handle and if need be refer to the other furrow assembly for reference. My main tools for dismantling were a good hammer and several cold chisels and punches. After a few hours hard graft as everything was rusted together I pallet covered with a mixture of various steel shapes that go together to form the 2nd furrow assembly. I’ve decided I will refurbish each piece in the order that I would assemble it back on to the main framework so the first items that I intend to tackle are the 2nd beam and the Saddle along with Skimmer arm and Saddle. Please someone correct me if I’ve got the names of these parts wrong.